Tuesday, September 30, 2008


We just wanted to thank everyone who came out and supported Obama at Gallery Bar last Thursday.


It surpassed our own goals by a mile!!!!!!! And a special thanks to the DJs and Musicians as well as the other organizations and people like you and me that helped out. And now for even more encouraging news.....

WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. soldiers have donated more presidential campaign money to Democrat Barack Obama than to Republican John McCain, a reversal of previous campaigns in which military donations tended to favor GOP White House hopefuls, a nonpartisan group reported Thursday.

Troops serving abroad have given nearly six times as much money to Obama's presidential campaign as they have to McCain's, the Center for Responsive Politics said.
The results also are striking because they favored Obama, who never has served in the military. McCain meanwhile, is a decorated war veteran who spent nearly five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. The Arizona senator graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and had a 22-year career as a naval aviator.

Obama has opposed the war in Iraq and says he would withdraw combat troops within 16 months. McCain has been a steadfast supporter of the war, saying he would withdraw the troops only when conditions on the ground warrant it.

"Obama will work tirelessly to uphold this nation's sacred trust with its veterans, to ensure they are not forgotten after they return home and he will provide our troops with the leadership they deserve, as well as the support they and their families need," Obama spokesman Nick Shapiro said.

McCain's campaign played down the significance of the donations.

"John McCain has been endorsed by more retired admirals and generals than Barack Obama has military donors," McCain spokesman Michael Goldfarb said in a statement.
"We feel confident that many U.S. troops stationed overseas will support John McCain in the election this fall, but we suspect most are too busy doing the important work of defending this country than to make political contributions," Goldfarb said.

Among soldiers serving overseas at the time of their donations, 134 gave a total of $60,642 to Obama while 26 gave a total of $10,665 to McCain.

The report tracked donations of $200 or more. It found that 859 members of the military donated a total of $335,536 to Obama. McCain received $280,513 from 558 military donors.


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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

McCain Doesn't Have Heart...no seriously

{UPDATE} While the following is a fake article, I still think Heart fuckin rocks and am pissed I didn't go see them in AC.

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Record Smashing

While the NYTimes reported last week that the Obama campaign was straining to reach its money goals, Time reports today that August was a record smashing month.

Don't let that misguide you into thinking that everything is going to be ok though. We need to all work together to make sure that September is even better than August, not just in terms of fundraising, but also in terms of spreading the word, making phone calls, forwarding emails, and doing whatever else it takes to get Obama in the White House.

Over the next several days and weeks, seriously make an effort to squeeze some of these actions into your daily routine and use whatever mediums you have at your disposal to do so. At 432, our medium is music and parties. We manage to bring large groups of people together 1-2 times a month, so why not do it as part of something larger than this local party scene? That's what we're doing on 9/25, and we hope to help Barack smash yet another record for the month of September.

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Thursday, September 4, 2008


-Pre-debate OPEN BAR with draft beer, wine, and well liquor 7-9pm
-$30 donation (proceeds go to the Obama campaign) 7pm -12am
-Gallery Bar: 120 Orchard (bet Delancey and Rivington)

Support our soon-to-be president the night before his 1st Presidential debate. Bring your votes, bring your friends, and bring your best moves. With live music, art displays and beats, grassroots campaigning never felt so good.

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